So, I am struggling with a dilemma. A while back I asked the question “What responsibility do I have?” with regard to our new owners. That question has become more pressing seeing as they have asked for my input. It’s not a case where they have asked for just my input, I got the impression they wanted input from everyone. I am struggling with the issue of trust, and that is causing a certain degree of reluctance on my part. Additionally, I don’t want it look like I am kissing ass, because I am not. At the same time, from talking with friends in the industry, this is not a good time to be looking for a job. What to do?
I could go in several directions here. One way would be to do a full report on everything I think I know. That would take time, but it would also be a valuable exercise for me. Putting my ideas down could be enlightening, and I would have something that could be useful in the future. The second option would be to do the full report for myself, and then provide them with a condensed version. And thirdly, I could just give them a specific list of suggestions. Not sure what to do here. Perhaps I need to think about it for a bit.
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